This educational effort will encourage changes in behavior that will create a more sustainable future in terms of environmental integrity, economic viability, and a better society for present and future generations.
This broad title is classified into three areas:
- Environment
- Economy
- Human health and well-being
It all started with the Sun
The Sun is the main source of light and heat for our planet. The Infrared and UV radiations it emits energize the atmosphere, the earth and the oceans. By helping the growth of plants, which are then accumulated over millions of years, solar heat is the source of coal, oil and natural gas reserves. The Transmission of the sun’s energy to the atmosphere and oceans, coupled with gravity, is the cause of winds and currents. Human development therefore takes place in a context where solar energy is shared between all living beings who receive it, directly or indirectly.
Energy is essential for life
Plants use direct sunlight, CO2 from the air and water to produce carbohydrates through a process called Photosynthesis. Other organisms get the sun’s energy indirectly by eating plants or animals that have themselves eaten plants. The energy is distributed among living beings in complex food chains. It is everywhere on the planet. Every organism, whether animal, plant or bacteria cannot live, grow, multiply without it. Man is part of the process, since it’s his food that provides the energy needed to maintain his body at 37 degrees centigrade, make him work and move. With 2000 calories per day, a human being consumes almost as much a 100 watt lamp that stays lit day and night.
We highlight the basic powerful concepts:
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Recycle
We implement this model in schools, colleges, corporate and communities. The activity comprises of,
- Q & A session on environment, food, water and energy.
- Interaction model instead of doing a presentation.
- Apply local examples to make them understand the global issues.
- Vegetable seeds distribution for their kitchen garden.
- Tree saplings plantation in their premises.
- Reveal future career options in Environmental development.